Deploying Enterprise Mobility Solutions with Citrix XenMobile


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Designed for students with little previous XenMobile experience, this course is best suited for individuals who will be deploying XenMobile environments. Learn the skills required to implement XenMobile components including XenMobile Server, NetScaler Gateway, ShareFile, StorageZones, XenApp and XenDesktop, and XenMobile Worx Apps. At the end of the course students will be able to configure their XenMobile environments to address Enterprise Mobility Management requirements including Mobile Device Management, Mobile App Management and Mobile Content Management.


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Upon successful completion of this course, learners are able to:

Designate the recommended XenMobile Enterprise end-to-end architecture and identify each component in the solution for the specific use case

Describe the new Architectural changes in XenMobile 10

Articulate the available XenMobile Editions and benefits

Understand XenMobile authentication options including PKI “certificate based authentication”

Understand the new improved multi-platform deployment features including new policies added in XenMobile 10

Install applications: MDX, Web & SaaS, Web Link, Public App Store Enterprise Apps

Integrate with NetScaler Gateway, using the NetScaler  Wizard for XenMobile  enhancements, Load Balancing, SSL Tunneling microVPN (mVPN), SSL Bridge

Understand the device enrollment process

Articulate the benefits of ShareFile in a XenMobile Enterprise solution

Apply the recommended processes and best practices involved in successful XenMobile Enterprise solution implementation, taking into account server placement and communication flows

Get hands-on experience with:

Configuring the XenMobile 10 Server (XMS)

Using the XenMobile Server Getting Started wizard

Configuring policies on the XMS

Adding categories and applications to the XMS

Assigning applications to delivery group(s)

Integrating NetScaler Gateway 10.5 with XenMobile 10

Enrolling devices – iOS, Android, and/or Windows

Integrating the XMS with XenDesktop

Configuring StorageZone Controller Servers and ShareFile Enterprise

Configuring NetScaler to load balance ShareFile

Configuring NetScaler Gateway to enable SAML SSO to the XMS

Configuring ShareFile Enterprise on the XMS
