Perl Scripting

Course Overview

Perl is a scripting language which allows for rapid prototyping of projects formerly done with a programming language or a shell. It incorporates all the functionality of C (including a UNIX system interface), the Shells, grep, sed, and awk. The topics in the course will aid all computer users – from end user to programmer to administrator alike.

Course Details

Programming in PERL: Basic/Intermediate

Overview of PERL and its purpose

History of PERL

Control capabilities: files, processes, network

Obtain, build, and install PERL

Obtaining modules from CPAN

Writing PERL Scripts

Layout of a PERL procedure

Execution methods

Types of variables: scalars, lists (arrays), associative arrays (hashes), PERL built-ins, globals

Operators: precedence, arithmetic, increment/decrement, pattern matching, relational, conditional,assignment

PERL Programming Constructs: Looping statements and Decision

Regular expressions review

Expressions common to PERL/Unix

Expressions unique to PERL


Interfacing PERL with the Operating System

Subroutines in PERL procedures

Using as functions

Passing arguments (scalars and arrays)

Introduction to references

Using PERL Extension Functions: procedure location, extension types, require statement, use statement

Programming in PERL: Advanced Topics

Using PERL References

Purpose of references

Querying a reference

Symbolic references

References to functions: named functions, anonymous functions, callbacks

Multi-dimensional arrays

Complex data structures

Using PERL Typeglobs

PERL variables, symbol tables, and scope

Typeglobs compared with references

PERL Modules and Packages

Basic packages

Packages and component files

Initialization and destruction

Accessing the symbol table

Preparing a package for distribution with h2xs

Object Oriented PERL Programming

Objects in PERL


Argument passing

Methods of Persistance

pm / /

DBI (Database Interface)

PERL Scripts for

Networking with Sockets

Server-side functions and setup

Client-side functions and setup

Installing PERL modules from the CPAN

Adding documentation to a module/program